Thursday, January 29, 2009

soy sauce

Thursday is trashday here in our neighborhood so I TRY to clean out the refrigerator on Wednesday.. however I was very busy with other stuff and I didn't get a chance to do it yesterday... so if was pushed off until today. BUT I got sidetracked.. with what you ask? We are HUGE soy sauceaholics here at the house, well really we are really bad stirfryaholics and use soy sauce as the seasoning. ANYWAY.. needless to say we usually always have a bottle, or two or three, on hand. But lately I have let the stash run low, and to be honest it is 2 days before payday and there is too much week to not enough $$. So what did I find? I am the world's worst about taking 'extra' packets at place.. extra creamer, extra splenda, extra duck sauce.. not alot just normally 2 or 3 .. so anyway today I spent about 20 minutes taking the extra packets I have of soy sauce and filling our little soy sauce jar. It was amazing how many it did take (I way over guestimated how many it would) and it only took me about 20-25 minutes... so does that make me cheap or frugal?? I would like to hear what you think?! Email me or leave me a comment... thanks so much!

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