Sunday, September 30, 2012

LIfe in the house of C... It is about to change, and not all for the better I think. The gurl is moving out, officially today, even though she actually left on Tuesday. It is with a heavy heart and unsettled mind that we let her do this. She doesn't want to live by our rules and thinks that she can make it on her own and make her own life changing decisions. She wants to lead an unbiblical life, and we just can't allow this at our home. We have the bigboy to think of. God holds us acountable for how we treat and act towards one another and there are things that she chooses to do that we can't allow to occur while she is living in our house. We haven't by any means kicked her out, this was solely her decision. But we are sad she is turning her back on us and God. In the years to come when she looks back on this day, I want her to think of it as the day she choose to lead her life, rather than the day her first major adult mistake was made. God please help her to see that how she is choosing to lead is not in your will, by your commandments. Let her stay in school and let her continue to get her higher education. Not much more to say..... Bye my baby gurl, welcome to the harsh cruel world we worked 19 years to protect you from.........