Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Questions I have been asked

How many Sunday papers do you get? usually only 2-3 each week.

How do you store and sort your coupons? I clip each week and file them in my coupon box. I used to have a binder but after having to go to a second binder I decided a box would work better for me. Plus the binder won't really stay put in the baby seat in a buggie at the store. I also clip for my mother in law, who is a young 74 yrs old.

How many cvs cards do you have? I have one, my mil has one and if there is a GOOD deal I will go by her house and get her card so she can be hooked up on the deals.

Do you buy coupons anywhere? Yes, at times, not on a regular basis. I LOVE the gals at they always seem to have the coupons that I need and their customer service is excellent. I don't know about anyone else as this is pretty much the only place I buy from consistently. I have tried ebay but haven't found someone that I am 'sold' on, if you know what I mean. BTW has in no way asked for or compensated me to endorse their website, I do this on my own. When I believe in something I promote it to my best ability.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask, and I will be as honest as I can.

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