Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sorry for the delay

and sadly there are no pictures of these wonderful buys~ But alas... there is yet another shopping day in the world of shopping~ LOL~ I crack myself up.

We are about to have a huge family experience that I can't talk about yet, but when I can you all will be the first to know~

This is Friday nights shopping experience..

CVS spent $4.47 saved 20.23 82% saved~
Wags spent $27.30 saved 134.01 83% saved.


I was able to get some omega factor that the dr said I needed to be taking to lower my tricglerides. So go me~ And wags was starting with no RR. I had let the others expire (shame on me).

Like I said, sorry about the pictures. This week has been crazy~ and we will be announcing our big 'news' on Friday~

$1936.03 remaining balance for the year~

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